Sunday, January 26, 2020
Pump And Hydraulic Fluid Engineering Essay
Pump And Hydraulic Fluid Engineering Essay Introduction: This assignment mainly talks about the hydraulic system in an aircraft. The hydraulic system in an aircraft is use for operating various services such as landing gear, wheel brakes and power flight controls etc. Each system has its own hydraulic circuit within the system. These independent circuits are connected to the common pressure and return lines of the hydraulic power circuit. A complete power hydraulic system consists of the following; A power or delivery circuit, A number of service circuits, Emergency circuits. Below is the diagram of basic hydraulic system; Task Two: Pump: Pump provides pressurise hydraulic fluid to the system by comprising the fluid which comes from the reservoir. Pump can pressurise the fluid up to 5000 psi. depends on different pumps. Pressure Reducing Valve: The Pressure Reducing valve reduces the system output pressure to a pressure suitable for operating a specific system or component. Pressure Relief Valve: Whenever there is excessive pressure in the system the pressure relief valve reliefs the extra pressure. Reservoir: The function of reservoir in the hydraulic system is to store the hydraulic fluid and delivers the hydraulic fluid to the pump which then gives the pressurise fluid to the system. The reservoir also pressurise the fluid up to 40psi in order to not get cavitation. Motor: The function of Motor is to help in engaging the pump and also help in starting the system. Strainer: Strainer is a filter. It filters out the dirt before the fluid goes to the pump. There are high and low pressures strainers, normally the high pressure strainer are after the pump and low pressure are before the pump. Task Three: B767 HYDRAULICS SYSTEMS INTRODUCTION: This airplane has three independent hydraulics systems which are; Left Hydraulic system This hydraulics system powers the; Flight controls Left side engine Thrust reversal It consists of; Reservoir, Engine Driven pump, and Electric motor driven pump Right Hydraulic system This system is similar to Left hydraulic system and it consists of same; Reservoir, Engine driven pump, and Electric motor driven pump This system powers the; Flight controls, Right side engine Thrust reversal, Normal brakes, and Pitch enhancement Centre hydraulics system The system consists of; Reservoir, Two Electric motor driven pumps, An Air driven demand pump, and RAT (Ram Air Turbine) pump It powers the; Flight controls, Nose wheel steering, Flaps and slats, Alternate brakes, Landing gear, Hydraulic driven generator, and Tail skid So basically the hydraulic system of this aircraft powers the; Flight controls, Leading edge slats, Trailing edge flaps, Landing gear, Wheel brakes, Nose wheel steering, Autopilot servos, Thrust reversals, and Tail skid Flight control system components are distributed so that any hydraulic system can provide adequate airplane controllability. All hydraulic reservoirs supplies fluid to pumps and these pumps pressurized the system and the reservoirs are pressurized by bleed air system. Below figure shows three independent system what they consist of and to what they power. It also display there switches in the cockpit. HYDRAULIC SYSTEM SCHEMATICS FLUID SUPPLY Hydraulic fluid is supplied to each pump from a reservoir. Reservoirs are pressurized from bleed air system. There is fluid quantity measured device in all the reservoirs which provides information on EICAS status display. When RF illuminates on the EICAS status page then the reservoirs requires refilling prior to dispatch. Valid only when airplane is on ground with both engines shutdown or after landing with flaps up during taxi-in. As shown in figure below; The QTY (1) light illuminates and the EICAS advisory message e.g. L HYD QTY displays which means that left side reservoir fluid quantity is low. SYS PRESS (2) illuminates when the system pressure is less. ENGINE DRIVEN PUMP: The primary hydraulic system pump is engine driven pump. As there are two engines on this aircraft it has two engines driven pump left and right. It runs with the engine and pressurized the system. When the pump output pressure is low the primary pump PRESS light illuminates on the hydraulic overhead panel and a warning display on the EICAS e.g. (if it is right side) R HYD PRIM PUMP. When the pump temperature is high OVHT light illuminates on the hydraulic overhead panel and again a warning display on the EICAS e.g. (if its left side) L PRIM HYD OVHT ELECTRIC MOTOR DRIVEN PRIMARY PUMP: The two centre electric motor driven primary pumps are identical to the left and right systems electric motor driven pumps. The C2 pump may be load shed automatically to reduce electrical loads. As you can see the figure above it has also the same PRESS low pressure and over heat OVHT warnings on hydraulic overhead panel. The associated EICAS messages for low output pressure C HYD PRIM 1 or C HYD PRIM 2 and for over heat C HYD 1 OVHT or C HYD 2 OVHT. ELECTRIC MOTOR DRIVEN DEMAND PUMP: An electric motor driven demand pump provides an additional hydraulic power either on demand or continuously for periods of high system demand. The demand pump also provides a backup hydraulic power source for the engine driven primary pumps. To reduce electrical load, the electric demand pump is inhibited on the ground during engine start of either engine, when only one electrical generator is operating. The demand pump PRESS and SYS PRESS lights illuminates when starting engines on the ground. As shown in the figure below the overhead hydraulic panel with warnings. The warnings will also display on the EICAS e.g. R HYD DEM PUMP. AIR DRIVEN DEMAND PUMP: An air driven demand pump also provides additional hydraulic power either on demand or continuously for periods of high system demand. This pump provides the backup hydraulic power for electric motor driven primary pumps. As shown in picture above it shows the warnings on the hydraulic panel PRESS when its low pressure and OVHT when the pump come over heat. The warning can also be seen in EICAS. RAT (RAM AIR TURBINE) PUMP: This pump is used in emergency conditions it provides hydraulic power to the flight control portion of the centre hydraulic system. The RAT provides adequate hydraulic power at the speed above 130 knots. In flight, the RAT deploys automatically when both engine fails. The RAT is inhibited from auto deployment on the ground. The RAT can be deployed manually by pushing the RAT switch. The UNLKD light illuminates and the EICAS advisory message RAT UNLOCKED displays when the RAT is not stowed and locked. Once the RAT is producing the pressure the PRESS lights illuminates. The SYS PRESS light illuminated if RAT is only the source of centre system pressure. Once the RAT is deployed then it cannot be stowed in flight. SYSTEM PRESSURE INDICATIONS: The SYS PRESS lights illuminates and the EICAS caution message e.g. ( for left hydraulic system) L HYD SYS PRESS when the left side hydraulic system pressure is low same for the right side and centre system. HYDRAULIC DRIVEN GENERATOR: Hydraulic driven generator is automatically powered by the centre system when electrical power is lost from both main AC buses. The centre air demand pump then operates continuously to ensure sufficient hydraulic pressure to drive the generator. HYDRAULIC PANEL: System Pressure (SYS PRESS) Lights: Illuminated (amber) system pressure is low. Reservoir Low Quantity (QTY) Lights: Illuminated (amber) reservoir quantity is low. Left/Right Engine (L/R ENG) Primary Pump Switches: ON the engine driven hydraulic pump pressurized when engine rotates. OFF (ON not visible) the engine driven hydraulic pump is turned off and depressurized. Pump Pressure Lights (PRESS) : Illuminated amber Pump output pressure is low. Pump Overheat (OVHT) Lights: Illuminated amber pump temperature is high. Centre 1/2 Electric (C1/2 ELEC) Primary Pump Switches: ON the electric motor driven pump pressurized the centre hydraulic system. OFF the electric motor driven pump is turned off and is not pressurizing the system. Left/Right Electric and Centre Air ( L/R ELEC and C AIR) Demand Pump Selectors: ON continuous operation AUTO Left/Right electric pumps operate when engine pump pressure is low. Centre air demand pump operates when both centre electric pump pressure is low. Centre AIR demand pump operates when heavy load items are selected. OFF Pumps are turned off LANDING GEAR: Introduction: The airplane has two main landing gear and single nose gear. The nose gear is a steerable with two wheel unit. Each main gear has four wheels in tandem pairs. Hydraulic power for retraction, extension, and steering is supplied by the centre hydraulic system. An alternative extension system is also provided. Below is the schematic of the landing gear system; Air Ground Sensing System: The air ground sensing system receives air ground logic signals from tilt sensors located on each main landing gear. These signals are used to configure the airplane system to the appropriate air or ground status. A nose air ground system receives signals from nose gear strut compression sensors. These signals are for controlling stall warning and portions of the caution and warning system. LANDING GEAR UNDER NORMAL OPERATION: The landing gears are normally controlled by the landing gear lever. On the ground, the lever is held in DN position by an automatic lever lock controlled by the main gear tilt sensor. The lever lock can manually overridden by pushing and holding the landing gear lever LOCK OVRD switch. In flight, the lever lock is automatically released through the air ground sensing of main gear tilt sensor. Landing Gear Retraction: When the landing gear lever is positioned to UP, the tilted landing gear begins to retract. The landing gear doors open and the gear retract to up position. Automatic wheel braking occurs during gear retraction. The landing gear lever is placed in the OFF position to depressurize the landing gear system. Landing Gear Extension: When the landing gear level is moved to DN, the landing gear door opens, the gear are unlocked, and the GEAR and DOORS light illuminates. The gears are hydraulically powered to the down and lock position. The down locks are powered to the lock position, all hydraulically actuated gear door close, and the main gear trucks hydraulically tilt to the flight position. When all gears are down and locked, the gear down light illuminates and the GEAR and DOOR light extinguish. Landing Gear Alternative Extension: The alternative landing gear extension system uses an electric motor to trip the locking mechanism for each gear. Selecting DN on the ALTN GEAR EXTEND switch releases all the door and gear up locks, the landing gear then free fall to the down and locked position. TASK FOUR: HEALTH SAFETY REGULATION: Introduction: The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 cover a wide range of basic health, safety and welfare issues and apply to most workplaces (with the exception of those workplaces involving construction work on construction sites, those in or on a ship, or those below ground at a mine). They are amended by the Quarries Regulations 1999, the Health and Safety (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2002, the Work at Height Regulations 2005, and the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007. These Regulations aim to ensure that workplaces meet the health, safety and welfare needs of all members of a workforce, including people with disabilities. Several of the Regulations require things to be suitable. Followings are the Health and safety regulations which should be followed in the working place; HEALTH: Ventilation Workplaces need to be adequately ventilated. Fresh, clean air should be drawn from a source outside the workplace, uncontaminated by discharges from flues, chimneys or other process outlets, and be circulated through the workrooms. Ventilation should also remove and dilute warm, humid air and provide air movement which gives a sense of freshness without causing a draught. If the workplace contains process or heating equipment or other sources of dust, fumes or vapours, more fresh air will be needed to provide adequate ventilation. Windows or other openings may provide sufficient ventilation but, where necessary, mechanical ventilation systems should be provided and regularly maintained. Temperatures in indoor workplaces Environmental factors (such as humidity and sources of heat in the workplace) combine with personal factors (such as the clothing a worker is wearing and how physically demanding their work is) to influence what is called someones thermal comfort. Individual personal preference makes it difficult to specify a thermal environment which satisfies everyone. For workplaces where the activity is mainly sedentary, for example offices, the temperature should normally be at least 16 Ã °C. If work involves physical effort it should be at least 13 Ã °C (unless other laws require lower temperatures). Work in hot or cold environment This includes risk to workers health from working in either a hot or cold environment needs to consider both personal and environmental factors. Personal factors include body activity, the amount and type of clothing, and duration of exposure. Environmental factors include ambient temperature and radiant heat; and if the work is outside, sunlight, wind velocity and the presence of rain or snow. Lighting: Lighting should be sufficient to enable people to work and move about safely. Lighting and light fittings should not create any hazard. Automatic emergency lighting, powered by an independent source, should be provided where sudden loss of light would create a risk. Cleanliness and waste material Every workplace and the furniture, furnishings and fittings should be kept clean and it should be possible to keep the surfaces of floors, walls and ceilings clean. Cleaning and the removal of waste should be carried out as necessary by an effective method. Waste should be stored in suitable receptacles. Room dimensions and space: Workrooms should have enough free space to allow people to move about with ease. Workstations and seating: Workstations should be suitable for the people using them and for the work they do. People should be able to leave workstations swiftly in an emergency. If work can or must be done sitting, seats which are suitable for the people using them and for the work they do should be provided. Seating should give adequate support for the lower back, and footrests should be provided for workers who cannot place their feet flat on the floor. SAFETY: Maintenance: The workplace, and certain equipment, devices and systems should be maintained in efficient working order (efficient for health, safety and welfare). Such maintenance is required for mechanical ventilation systems; equipment and devices which would cause a risk to health, safety or welfare if a fault occurred; and equipment and devices intended to prevent or reduce hazard. The condition of the buildings needs to be monitored to ensure that they have appropriate stability and solidity for their use. This includes risks from the normal running of the work process (e.g. vibration, floor loadings) and foreseeable risks (e.g. fire in a cylinder store). Floor: The surfaces should not have holes or be uneven or slippery, and should be kept free of obstructions and from any article or substance which may cause a person to slip, trip or fall. Criteria for defects such as subsidence, unevenness, pot holes, collection of surface water, cracks and ruts should be determined and set, and maintenance systems developed to undertake repair when these limits are exceeded. Windows: Open able windows, skylights and ventilators should be capable of being opened, closed or adjusted Safely and, when open, should not pose any undue risk to anyone. FATIGUE TESTING MACHINE: Fatigue testing machine test and determines the useful working life of a component which is subjected to repeated load. Fatigue testing machine applies pre-defined loads or alternating loads to the sample component and records fatigue life indicated by the number of cycles required to product failure. Health Safety Issue: Followings are the health and safety issues with fatigue testing machine; As Fatigue-testing machines produce heavy vibration so it requires a strong foundation. Safety guidelines provided by the metal fatigue-testing equipment manufacturers should be followed before starting a fatigue test. Proper controls and accessories should be installed for fatigue-testing machine to prevent accidents. Task Five: Maintenance Procedure for Landing Gear: Landing Gear is the most rugged part of an aircraft and should be maintain properly in order not have accidents. In order to increase the life span and minimising the accidents regularly inception should be made for inspecting the landing gear because of the force hitting the runway upon landing stresses the entire system no matter how gentle the landing is. Following is the procedure to maintain the landing gear; Place the aircraft on jacks in the approved manner as detailed in the manufacturers maintenance manual. Interconnect a manual pump (complete with a one gallon reservoir and a 3000 p.s.i. pressure gauge) into the system at the service tee fitting. This fitting is located downstream of the pump check valve. Deactivate the pump and motor by disconnecting the plug on the pressure switch. Disconnect the pressure relief valve and the thermal relief valve from the system and cap off the lines. Disconnect the accumulator from the system and cap off the line. Pressurise the system to 3000 p.s.i. When the pressure reaches 3000 p.s.i., the system must remain within 50 p.s.i. of this pressure for one minute without additional pumping. Reconnect the THERMAL relief valve and pressurise the system until the valve opens. The cracking pressure of the valve should be 2200 + or 50 p.s.i.* With the gear doors disconnected, select gear up and retract using the hand pump. Take the gear up slowly and check the flex lines for clearance and signs of chafing. When the gear reaches the up position, increase the pressure to 3000 p.s.i. The system must again remain within 50 p.s.i. of this pressure for one minute. Pull the 5 amp L/G control breaker, reconnect the pressure switch plug and reset the 5 amp breaker. Extend the gear with the normal system. Reconnect the pressure relief valve and pressurise the system until the valve opens. The cracking pressure for this valve is the same as the thermal relief valve, 2200 + or 50 p.s.i.* Disconnect manual pump from service tee and cap tee. Check emergency nitrogen bottle is charged to 1500 p.s.i. With gear in down position and system pressurised, open manual nitrogen valve in the cockpit and check for leaks between the valve and the actuators. Maximum leakage rate, 50 p.s.i. in ten minutes. Close the manual nitrogen valve and bleed off the pressure in the emergency system by loosening the line at the bleed valve in the nose wheel well. Prior to re-connecting the line, check that the bleed valve is open. Blow air gently into the bleed valve fitting and check the top of the valve for a flow of air. Charge the accumulator to 1250 p.s.i. Re-connect to the system. Recharge the emergency nitrogen bottle to 1500 p.s.i. Tasks Yes No Jack is placed on right position Aircraft is put on jack according to maintenance manual Connect manual pump into the system at service tee fitting. Fill it to one gallon reservoir with 3000 psi. Pump De-activated Pressure relief valve and thermal valve dis-connected Accumulator dis-connected Pressurise till 3000 psi System remain at 50 psi for a minute Thermal relief valve re-connected and system pressurise until the valve opens Gear doors dis-connected Gear up selected Retract using the hand pump and check the flex lines for clearance and signs of chafing. On the gear reaches the up position, increase the pressure to 3000 p.s.i. The system must again remain within 50 p.s.i. of this pressure for one minute. System remained within 50 p.s.i. for one minute. 5 amp L/G control breaker pulled. Pressure switch plug reconnected and reset the 5 amp breaker reset Gear extended with the normal system. Pressure relief valve reconnected and pressurise the system until the valve opens Manual Pump dis-connected Emergence Bottle check Leakage check between the valve actuator Emergency system check Emergency Bottler recharge to 1500 psi.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
The Customer Complaint Issue
Introduction There is a complaint letter sent by Dr. William E. Loflin. They were extremely upset and very insulted by the experience. He said that our staff is not well trained and overtly rude. There are several problems that he complaint about our service, but he still think the food was excellent. Here are the ways to solve the issue. Recommendation I suggest company should organize a training course for the staffs. The training provides staff with increased skills and abilities.Using the common cases of complaint customer and teaches the staff how to handle the problems in a right way and therefore increases the quality service. Also, it provide a time for staff build up the team spirit. Since customers are more demanding, restaurant should increase the service quality that can provide an edge of competitive advantage and meet the satisfaction of customers. Also, the service not only including how the staffs serve the guest when they in the dining room but also the whole process in the restaurant, from the entrance area to bill presentation and the farewell, all the performance must be done well.Staffs always follow the rules and regulation set by restaurant management, but they overlook their service skills is the first impression of the customers. Therefore, the staff should know what quality is, it doesnââ¬â¢t only means providing the food and environment but the service are also important. Understanding how to meet the customersââ¬â¢ expectations can add value in a delighted result. Moreover, restaurant can execute the performance appraisal every month. Establishing performance standards to the staffs, the customer feedback and supervisor observation can be affecting the appraisal.The appraisal will be show to the staff, see how well they did and the mistakes. And, the best of the staff will post it on the board and bonuses; therefore the staff can build up the strengths and overcome the weaknesses. Since employees are unaware of the identify the shopper, supervisor should announce that mystery shoppers will go to restaurant. Mystery shopper can give valuable feedback on the potential problems such as environment, service, food and beverage. Therefore, the staff will know where they did wrong and improve it.For the customers, when performance did not match their expectation, problems arose when services or products were unavailable, performance is slow, or where the service or product was unacceptable, the customer will not return anymore. The way to solve the service problems is to put a comments card on the table or brought by server at the conclusion of the meal. It can allow customer to evaluate the meal experience and any dissatisfaction. After receive it, restaurant must improve the issue immediately so that it can maintain a good service for the customers.Finally, we can reply a apologize letter to Mr. Loflin and send him a coupon to build a good relationship. Because most of customers did not say anything and donâ⠬â¢t return to the restaurant anymore. Mr. Loflin sent a letter to us, it means he wants the restaurant do any improvement and he will still go to this restaurant for the meal, therefore we sent him a coupon to invite him go to the restaurant and we would improve the issue that we made, so that he would be satisfaction when returning to our restaurant.
Friday, January 10, 2020
The War Against People Write Research Essays in Order to
The War Against People Write Research Essays in Order to The ability to come up with a great research topic is a significant skill. If you're confused with a selection of interesting topics to research online, it's much better to determine what interests you the most. What follows is an extensive collection of the most fascinating research topics to have you started. You can proceed and divide the research into phrases to check at every aspect keenly. People Write Research Essays in Order to Options When you own a list before your eyes, it is going to be a lot easier to compose your mind and get started considering a specific matter. You will shell out quite a good deal of time working on your research, so it's critical to choose a topic which you really enjoy working with. You want to find a topic that has lots of available material for you to use. You are able to say a lot of things about the subject, but everything you say will be at an incredibly basic or survey level. The Hidden Gem of People Write Research Essays in Order to Your essay may center on gender issues from different sections of the world such as women rights in the Middle East and so forth. Getting in a position to compose a strong argument will allow you to succeed in society. Your words reveal something about your nature and plans for the future, and an opportunity to find an in-depth look at the subject accessible. In the present society, gender means a whole lot more than it used to. People Write Research Essays in Order to - Is it a Scam? The perfect way to speed your writing is to do just a little planning. When you intend to compose a style essay, it's critical to make certain that you are discussing the arrival of the fashion industry and its general development over recent years. Our writers also undergo a string of other training that could truly convince us they are best for the job. The notion of the supernatural has a significant part in the drama. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
My Personal Leadership Philosophy, Leadership, And Ownership
1. My personal leadership philosophy is ââ¬Å"Leadership through personal example and ownershipâ⬠. Throughout my career I have served with several leaders that inspired me and solidified this philosophy in me. LCDR Fritz Kuebler was one of those mentors and continues to be a source of inspiration. He could always be looked to for how to handle difficult situations. When faced with adversity or a leadership challenge he could be seen taking a few brief moments to internally analyze and then issue a decision for a team to follow. While many did not see this brief pause, as an aspiring leader I could observe this habit. As his Command Chief I had unprecedented access to him and often asked about certain issues that were facing the command. I asked him about these moments prior to his decisions and he revealed the true nature of this process. During the few seconds before his orders he quickly analyzed three things. How will his decision affect the mission, how will it impact tho se who follow his orders, and how can he own failures should they present themselves. 2. Leadership is an ever evolving practice for leaders as they progress in an organization and reviews of performance (by observers) gives insight into individual progress. As leaders develop in an organizations structure habits developed throughout a career can cause stagnant growth through inward personal observations. Without input from outside sources, through measurable observations, personal growth is slowed andShow MoreRelatedMy Leadership Philosophy Of Leadership843 Words à |à 4 PagesMy Leadership Philosophy ââ¬ËLeadership is the subjective. But its foundation stems from one thing: the ability of an individual to establish a following among other individuals or teams.â⬠(Post, 2017) There is no true 1 way to lead. My leadership philosophy is subjective. 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